Product OverviewPure Synergy is the most comprehensive and trusted green superfood in the world--the standard by which all others are measured. Rediscover feeling healthy, vital, and energetic again--the palpable effect of this truly potent and unmatched organic superfood.Product DescriptionProduct Highlights Certified 100% organic "Grown" as whole food Free of all additives Free of GMO's 100% pure and natural Gluten-free Dairy-free In use for over 35 years, Pure Synergy is Synergy's original and extensively researched flagship formula--blending 60 of nature's most life-giving and nutrient-rich organic whole food and botanical concentrates into a "wellness food" of perfect nutritional potency. Created to help you restore and regenerate your core foundation of wellness, Pure Synergy is the perfect bridge for the many nutritional gaps we all experience in our modern-day diets. Hundreds of health-supporting phytonutrients-found exclusively inPure Synergy's fruits, sprouts, grasses, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, sea plants, and herbs-all unite to produce a rare "synergy" that helps rebuild your vitality, mental clarity, and optimal well-being.Unrivaled Blend of 60 Certified Organic SuperfoodsThe extraordinary quality of Pure Synergy begins with our hand-selected organic seeds and continues all the way through to its delivery to you. We make Pure Synergy ourselves, to our exacting specifications, at our very own wind-powered, award-winning facility so that we can guarantee its unparalleled purity and potency. Sustainably grown and harvested when its health supporting nutrients are at their peak, every ingredient contributes in a special way to Pure Synergy's perfectly balanced, full-spectrum formula.Organic Aquatic GreensOne of earth's most ancient and nutritionally rich life forms, aquatic greens possess an extraordinary collection of concentrated nutrients that deeply nourish your body and mind with their bountiful array of proteins, DNA, RNA, trace minerals and chlorophyll.Organic Grass Juices and Vegetable PowdersBursting with regenerative energy, our exclusive fresh grass juices and rich green vegetable powders are harvested at the very peak of their nutritional potency to provide an abundance of beneficial phytonutrients and enzymes as well as purifying chlorophyll.Organic Freeze-Dried SproutsHarnessing all of the elements a plant needs for growth, our organic heirloom sprouted seeds-- with their concentrated energy and bio-active enzymes--are intensely nourishing and powerfully restorative.Organic Freeze-Dried FruitsAntioxidant-rich organic wild blueberries, raspberries, apples and green papaya are naturally brimming with valuable bioflavonoids and other rare phytonutrients to protect your cells and feed them with nutritional goodness.Organic Asian MushroomsOur hand cultivated medicinal mushrooms are coveted the world over for their life-extending, immune-supportive, and therapeutic qualities.Organic Herbal Extracts and BotanicalsDrawn from both Eastern and Western herbal traditions, our specially grown and concentrated organic herbal extracts and botanicals are revered for their long honored ability to balance, regenerate and revitalize your body.Advantages of Pure SynergyYour body is confronted daily by an enormous amount of stress physical, mental, and emotional as well as a host of environmental toxins. Pure Synergy creates a core foundation of wellness --amplifying your body's natural detoxification process and encouraging deep, replenishing cellular renewal --so that you can better handle what life throws your way.You are unique! Each of us has a personal blueprint with very different wellness needs and health challenges. Pure Synergy's intelligent design and far-reaching range of ingredients allow it to work universally, at a multiplicity of levels, to support your body's unique personal requirements for sustainable good health.Many "green superfoods" use watered-down ingredients, fillers and additives-trading quality for cost-savings. Pure Synergy is just that, completely pure, with no fillers, GMOs, maltodextrin, fibers, artificial sweeteners, colorings, flavorings, additives, or preservatives of any kind whatsoever-just 100% pure and potent certified organic whole-food concentrates.Our modern-day diets suffer from deep nutritional deficits due to the highly processed and industrialized nature of our foods. Pure Synergy effectively bridges the many nutritional gaps we all experience to provide enhanced vitality, mental clarity, and that renewed sense of being truly alive and whole again!Pure Synergy Is for YouPure Synergy has been in continual use for over 35 years and is the most respected and clinically used green superfood in the world. Helping tens of thousands of people just like you, Pure Synergy is the perfect supplement for people of all ages who desire nutrition of the highest quality in order to support, enhance, and help maintain one's health now and into the future. It is used daily by career professionals, homemakers, sports and outdoor enthusiasts, students, seniors and countless others. Pure Synergy provides valuable support to people wishing to cultivate vitality and optimal health, as well as to those experiencing a diminished sense of well-being, whether from the effects of a stressful lifestyle, health concerns, day to day pressures, or less than ideal dietary habits. Mitchell created this special formula to provide deep nourishment and life energy-and it does!The Pure Synergy Quality Difference Pure Synergy's unsurpassable formula has been refined and perfected during 30 years of clinical research and use. Pure Synergy is produced in our own award-winning, wind-powered FDA-registered production facility. Pure Synergy ingredients are carefully dried using unique cold-temperature technologies that naturally protect and preserve the vitality of the valuable nutrients, enzymes, and other compounds in all our greens, herbs, algae, sprouts, mushrooms, and berries. Pure Synergy offers a wider variety of algae and sea vegetables than any other superfood formula and provides you the broadest spectrum of health-enhancing aquatic compounds available. Pure Synergy offers an abundance of Western herbs and Asian herbs and mushrooms, carefully formulated to maintain the energetic balance of Pure Synergy while contributing optimal tonic benefits. Pure Synergy contains blueberries, raspberries, papaya, and whole apple-some of the richest sources of potent antioxidant phytonutrients, such as anthocyanins, proanthocyanins, quercetin, and ellagic and phenolic acids. Pure Synergy contains 100% grass juices - no whole grasses or grass fiber. This eliminates the nutritionally empty fillers commonly found in other superfood formulas while providing all the vibrant enzymes and nutrients of purifying greens in their most digestible and easily assimilated form. Pure Synergy does not contain any maltodextrin, rice bran, flax meal, barley malt, lecithin or other inexpensive fillers. Pure Synergy ingredients are subjected to over 600 quality control tests to verify their purity and potency. Pure Synergy is vacuum-packed in amber glass. Unique, state-of-the-art Ultra Fresh Packaging ensures unprecedented protection for all the valuable phytonutrients in Pure Synergy. Certified Kosher.Supplement FactsProduct Benefits Provides sustained, vibrant energy Fosters mental clarity and focus Provides essential support for healthy aging Assists purifying detoxification and cleansing Bridges nutritional gaps in diet Strengthens healthy immune response Improves tolerance to stress Boosts athletic endurance and recoverySuggested UseComing soon...Recipes/VideoComing soon...Nutrition FactsComing soon... %%Panel.GenericDisclaimer%%
Synergy Company's Pure Synergy Superfood Blend
Price: 52.20
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