уторак, 20. јун 2017.

Creme de Pirouline Dark Chocolate & Hazelnut Combo Artisan Rolled Wafers 14 oz Tins - Pack of 2

Temptingly tasty crispy rolled wafers with the trademark swirl! Filled with premium chocolate cream Creme de Pirouline wafers are made from the finest cocoa. They are firm and crunchy on the outside bursting with luscious filling on the inside. Enjoy these delicious wafers with coffee ice cream and tea or just straight from the package. Creme de Pirouline Dark Chocolate & Hazelnut Combo Artisan Rolled Wafers 14 oz tins come in a pack of 2.
Creme de Pirouline Dark Chocolate & Hazelnut Combo Artisan Rolled Wafers 14 oz Tins - Pack of 2

Price: 7.95

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