четвртак, 15. јун 2017.

Once Again Creamy Peanut Butter 16 oz Jar- Pack of 1

Peanut butter is an excellent alternate source of protein filled with monounsaturated fat which makes it a great energy-boosting snack. There's no spread quite like Onceagain's pure and natural creamy peanut butter. This pleasing crunchy and spreadable texture has a naturally sweet flavor and provides dietary protein. This staple will give you all the energy and nutrients you need in the morning while deliver an experience like no other. Incredibly delicious and all-natural this spread is made with real California peanuts . Once Again Creamy Peanut Butter 16 oz Jar comes in a pack of 1.
Once Again Creamy Peanut Butter 16 oz Jar- Pack of 1

Price: 7.95

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