петак, 20. јануар 2017.

Hammer Nutrition Raw Energy Bar

The Hammer Nutrition Raw Energy Bar makes an ideal energy bar, but don't let its shape fool you... it's so much more than a mere energy bar! Eating a Hammer Bar for breakfast, lunch, or dinner provides your body with some of the highest quality food you can consume, supplying complex carbohydrates, high quality vegetable protein, healthy fats (no trans fatty acids!), nature's own phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. Whether using the Hammer Bar to help fuel your long distance workouts and races or as a meal replacement, you can be assured that you're giving your body the very best nutrition possible. The Hammer Bar comes in three delicious flavors: Almond Raisin, Chocolate Chip and Cashew Coconut Chocolate Chip. What Makes Hammer Bars Unique? (and why you should be eating them!): Alkalizing Protein - From whole food sources, alkalizing protein is crucial for reducing the acidity in the body that occurs from sustained energy output. This translates into potentially greater endurance, reduced joint and muscle soreness, and faster recovery. Healthy Carbohydrates - A look at the list of ingredients shows only healthy carbohydrate sources... NO REFINED SUGAR! The Hammer Bar provides your body with the highest quality carbohydrates for consistent, reliable, and long-lasting energy. Healthy Fats - Also called Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), these are important for enhanced endurance, cardiovascular health, immunity, mental clarity, and hormone balance. Rich in ultra-healthy EFAs, phytosterols, and sterolins, the Hammer Bar is a deliciously easy way to supply your body with these all-important nutrients. Phyto-nutrients - For supporting overall health, immunity, and resistance to disease, there's probably nothing better than Nature's superfoods. The Hammer Bar is packed with a variety of them, including sprouted flax and quinoa, Hawaiian spirulina, and wheat and barley grass juice...all organic, of course. Enzymes - The Hammer Bar is cold processed-produced, which preserves the naturally occurring enzymes, vital for aiding in the digestion and utilization of the nutrients at a cellular level. Taste - Whoever said healthy food doesn't taste great never tried the Hammer Bar! The taste and texture of the Hammer Bar will pleasantly surprise you. They are delicious! Price - Even with ALL the healthy ingredients that make up the Hammer Bar, it's still very reasonably priced. A good deal at $2.49, but you won't find a higher quality energy/food bar at any price. Benefits: The Hammer Bar is rich in healthy ingredients, such as phyto-nutrient dense sprouts and other superfoods in a base of easily digestible, alkaline forming protein, essential fats, and complex carbohydrates. All ingredients in the chocolate chip Hammer Bar are USDA Certified Organic and non-dairy Certified Kosher. All ingredients in the almond raisin Hammer Bar are also USDA Certified Organic and non-dairy Certified Kosher, and are Certified Vegan as well. Both flavors of the Hammer Bar are gluten-free and GMO-free. The Hammer Bar is made fresh in small lots and stored at room temperature to preserve the natural qualities and enzyme activity of the ingredients. The Hammer Bar is sweetened only with whole-food sweeteners, including organic dates, organic raisins, and low Glycemic Index organic agave nectar to support stable blood sugar levels. Flavors: Almond Raisin (ALM) Chocolate Chip (CHC) Coconut Chocolate Chip (CCC) Cranberry (CRB) Oatmeal Apple (OMA) Shipping Weight: 0.25 lbs.
Hammer Nutrition Raw Energy Bar

Price: 2.50

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