петак, 27. јануар 2017.

Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy / Single Serving

Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy - One of the original long distance fuels, Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy has attained a legendary status in the world of endurance sports since it?s introduction in 1992. Tested and proven in virtually every endurance event on the planet, Sustained Energy?s unique 7:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio, and it's neutral flavor, is still the first choice of thousands of athletes. After about two hours of exercise you need to have some protein in your fuel or you will start to ?cannibalize? or break down precious muscle tissue. So when your exercise goes beyond the range of Hammer Gel or HEED alone, Sustained Energy is ready to serve you, providing premium fuel complemented with specific nutrients that support enhanced fat utilization and lactic acid buffering.Give Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy a try ? you?ll have 100% confidence in your fuel ? and you?ll understand why it?s been the choice of thousands of endurance athletes for well over a decade. For maximum fueling variety and flexibility during your longest and hardest training sessions and races, mix or alternate Sustained Energy with Hammer Gel, HEED and/or Perpetuem. Extra Benefits: This product is ideally suited for the triathlete who wants calories with as little taste and sweetness as possible. Soy Protein ensures a minimum of ammonia being released into the muscles, further reducing fatigue and tissue damage. Gluten-free Enjoy sustained energy hour after hour Easy to digest Reduce muscle fatigue & recovery time Unless you complement your carbohydrate source with protein, your body will start to digest its own protein (muscle tissue) for energy after about 90 minutes of hard exercise. So when your training takes you beyond the range of HAMMER GEL alone, you can rely on Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy with its 7:1 carbohydrate : protein ratio. Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy contains a superior blend of complex carbohydrates, a precise amount of protein, and a few carefully selected micronutrients that all work synergistically to provide consistent, long-lasting energy. With Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy, you'll have 100% confidence in your fuel, even during your longest and hardest training sessions and races. Without any added flavoring or sweeteners, it has a pleasant neutral flavor.Since 1992 Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy has stood the test of time in every conceivable endurance and ultra-endurance event. No matter how difficult or lengthy your exercise or race is, Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy will come through every time, and keep you going mile after mile, hour after hour. Application: Use as a primary source of calories during exercise/competition lasting more than two hours. Mixing / Usage Instructions: IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to potential spoilage issues, Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy cannot be premixed and left for several hours in warm weather. You can mix and consume Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy three different ways depending on individual preference and logistical concerns. Please experiment with the following options to determine which works best for you. The One-Hour Bottle - Mix the suggested amount of Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy for your bodyweight (see chart on next page) in a 21-24 ounce (approx 520-710 ml) water bottle. Consume one bottle hourly. This method is ideal when training or racing with a support crew and vehicle. If you?re without a support crew but still want to use this option for mixing, keep in mind that it?s obviously less convenient as you?ll have to stop more frequently to mix your fuel drink. Also, because you are trying to fulfill both hydration and caloric requirements from one source, you have limited ability to adjust one without affecting the other; you may need to consume additional water to satisfy hydration requirements. The Multi-Hour Bottle - This is by far the most convenient method of fueling because it allows you to be self-sufficient for many hours, requiring only additional plain water along the way. The only limitation is how many scoops you can fit into a bottle. Determine your proper hourly intake of scoops by experimenting with the numbers from the dosage chart. Let?s say you?ve determined through testing that 2 scoops of Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy per hour is your ideal caloric intake. For a 4-hour workout, you?ll need 8 scoops in a bottle, then filled with water and shaken well. You may need to add a few scoops at a time to get it all to mix well. You then ?nurse? this bottle, taking small sips every 15-20 minutes. At this concentration, the water in the mixed bottle does not contribute much at all to your hourly fluid intake needs. To meet your fluid requirements, you carry a second and possibly even a third bottle of plain water, or use a hydration system, or know where you can refill along your route. Drink according to the temperature/humidity and your exertion level so that you consume in the range of 16-28 ounces (approx 475-830 ml) of plain water per hour.* This way, as long as you can obtain water along the way, you?re set for hours of hard training. Gel or Paste - If you want to carry the highest volume of calories in the least amount of space, making a thick mix is your best option. Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy can be made into a super-concentrated, near paste-like consistency and dispensed from a Gel flask. Using a blender or bowl and spoon, mix scoops of powder with a small amount of water, gradually adding water as necessary to create the consistency desired. If you're using the orange-vanilla flavor of Hammer Nutrition Perpetuem, remember that the heavier and more concentrated you mix it, the sweeter and stronger the flavor will become. You can also add Hammer Gel or HEED for flavor, if desired. Depending on how many scoops per hour you require, and how concentrated the mix is, each flask of Hammer Nutrition Perpetuem can supply you with 2-4 hours of fuel. As with the multi-hour bottle, you must carry additional bottles of plain water or use a hydration system to meet your fluid requirements. Suggested Doses by Body Weight* Up to 120 lbs (approx 54.5 kg) - up to 1.5 scoop/hour 120-155 lbs (approx 54.5-70 kg) - up to 2 scoops/hour 155-190 lbs (approx 70-86 kg) - up to 2.5 scoops/hour 190+ lbs (86+ kg) - up to 3 scoops/hour*These are estimated doses. Each athlete should determine in training, under a variety of conditions, their personal optimum. Comparing Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy and Perpetuem Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy is neutrally (a.k.a. ?plain?) flavored. Perpetuem is available in two options: an orange-vanilla "Dreamsicle" flavor and in an unflavored/plain version. Perpetuem contains lyso-lecithin fat, whereas Sustained Energy does not. Perpetuem contains tribasic sodium phosphate, which is a tremendous lactic acid buffer. Sustained Energy does not contain this nutrient. Both fuels contain l-carnosine (an antioxidant that also buffers lactic acid), l-carnitine (to promote fatty acid utilization), and chromium polynicotinate (to stabilize blood sugar levels). Bottom line: With Sustained Energy and Perpetuem, you have two great long distance fuel choices. When exercise goes beyond about two hours, you can use either product as your primary or sole fuel, in any combination with each other or any other Hammer Nutrition fuel. Availability: Single serving packets 1.5 lb (24 scoop/8-serving) container 5.6 lb (90 scoop/30-serving) container Shipping Weight: 0.25 lb.
Hammer Nutrition Sustained Energy / Single Serving

Price: 3.25

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