петак, 20. јануар 2017.

Vigilant Eats Banana Chia Superfood Cereal 3 oz Bowls - Pack of 1

Banana sunflower seeds chia seeds and coconut flakes deliver a flavor that is simply elegant and beloved by everyone. This unique healthy blend has an added crunch from sunflower seeds and a dash of coconut which adds a subtle sweetness. Packed with vital omega 3s and a complete protein range this bowl will fuel your day. Perfect for breakfast it is available in an individual serving cup complete with foldable spoon. It is a cutting-edge food made with the highest quality nutrient-rich organic ingredients. Vigilant Eats Banana Chia Superfood Cereal 3 oz bowls come in a pack of 1.
Vigilant Eats Banana Chia Superfood Cereal 3 oz Bowls - Pack of 1

Price: 3.29

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