уторак, 28. фебруар 2017.

Knorr Garlic Herb Sauce Mix 1.6 oz Pouches - Pack of 2

Let's make Knorr! Recreate the traditional taste of the holiday season all year round with Knorr. A perfect accompaniment to all kinds of dishes! Knorr Garlic Herb Sauce Mix 1.6 oz pouches are available in a convenient pack of 2.
Knorr Garlic Herb Sauce Mix 1.6 oz Pouches - Pack of 2

Price: 4.75

Organic Cacao Nibs

Our Organic Raw Cacao Nibs deliver the rich taste of chocolate with a powerful punch of antioxidants that are essential for a vital, thriving body. Pure, raw cacao contains more flavonoids than blueberries, red wine, and green tea, and our cacao nibs are harvest directly from South America, where their health benefits have been known for thousands of years. Enjoy our cacao nibs sprinkled on ice cream, baked into brownies, or just eaten plain as a midday snack.Cacao Nibs Pure, Raw Antioxidant PowerWhen the raw cacao bean is delicately opened, it reveals a perfect gift; a rich, flavorful treat that has the power to hinder disease and illness, and promote a pleasurable outlook on life. Our raw cacao nibs are gently extracted from the cacao beans, where they are protected by a paper think shell. The nibs are collected packaged without processing, to deliver a final product that is pure bliss. Our cacao nibs taste great on their own, but are also wonderful when mixed into yogurt and granola or steeped in teas. Grind a few with a little coconut oil for a delectable chocolate sauce or bake them into your favorite cookies.Powder, Paste, Butter, Nibs, Beans - What's the Difference? Cacao beans are the actual beans, extracted from the pod. They are in their whole, original, unprocessed form. Cacao nibs are cacao beans that have been broken into smaller pieces, making them easier to chew and enjoy. Cacao paste is made by taking the cacao beans, in their whole form, and grinding them into a liquid, commonly called cacao liquor. This liquid is then dried, resulting in cacao paste. Cacao butter is the fat, extracted from cacao bean. Cacao powder is what remains of the cacao liquor after extracting the fat.Cacao The Food of the GodsCacao is simply raw chocolate, straight from the cacao bean. Its scientific name, Theobroma, literally means "Food of the Gods," and this superfood was thought by the Aztecs to be of divine origin. The cacao tree, which is cultivated in South America, produces a food that is packed with so many healing and nutritive properties that the Mayans placed incredibly high value on the food and used the bean for currency. A favorite Mayan way to enjoy cacao was to make a traditional drink, called Chocolatl, which was a mixed with a little vanilla and other flavorings.It wasn't until the early 15th century that Christopher Columbus brought the health and restorative benefits of the cacao bean to Europe. In 1519, Cortez introduced cacao to the upper class in Spain and the bean rose in popularity as an antidote for many illnesses. During the 18th century, chocolate houses began to pop up in London, and the spread of cacao as a revered food is history. Today, cacao is planted worldwide and people around the globe associate chocolate with "feeling good." The name cacao was thought to be Anglicized at some point and turned into the more common pronunciation of "cocoa." Now, the two words are often used interchangeably.Cacao The Ultimate SuperfoodPure, unprocessed cacao contains more antioxidant flavonoids than blueberries, black and green teas, and red wine. When close to its natural state, the cacao beans, nibs, powder, and butter harness a powerhouse of nutrients that have been said to help lower cardiovascular disease, and reduce stress.Chocolate has often been referred to as a "guilty pleasure," or a "junk" food. But these labels only apply to the many commercial varieties of chocolate that are sold on the market. Much of the chocolate manufactured today is mixed with varying degrees of sugar, milk, and other additives, and may in fact contain little "pure" chocolate at all.Our cacao butter comes to you in a raw form, retaining all of the benefits from the original cacao bean. Cacao is the best source of antioxidants on the planet, having the ability to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and risk of stroke. Consuming pure cacao promotes good cardio health, helps dilate blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, and reduces risk of heart attack.Studies show that cacao contains neurotransmitters, which increase levels of specific chemicals in our brain that promote positive outlook, facilitate overall rejuvenation, and help to elevate mood. Eating cacao causes a release of endorphins that give a pleasurable sensation that can reduce depression, heighten mental clarity, and provide a general feeling of well-being.Raw cacao is one of the best dietary sources of magnesium, which balances brain chemistry and helps build strong bones. It is also packed with calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, and sulfur, a mineral that promotes healthy skin and aids in liver detoxification.Harvesting Raw Cacao Our cacao is harvested much in the same manner as the Aztecs did thousands of years ago. Handpicked cacao pods are allowed to ripen for 5-6 months on trees in South America. After the pods are harvested, they are washed with purified water to cleanse, gently cut open, and the cacao beans are extracted. The beans are then naturally fermented for several days, during which a chemical change takes place reducing the bitterness of the bean and releasing a rich, delicate flavor that is evident in all our cacao products. The raw chocolate is cold-pressed and the cacao butter is separated. This carefully monitored process results in a variety of wonderful ingredients along the way, delivering the finest cacao nibs, powder, and butter available.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Raw Organic Cacao Nibs have a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameTheobroma CacaoOther NamesBeurre de Cacao, Cacao, Chocolat, Chocolat Noir, Chocolate, Cocoa Bean, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Oleum, Cocoa Seed, Cocoa Semen, Cocoa Testae, Dark Chocolate, Dutch Chocolate, Fève de Cacao, Graine de Cacao, Theobroma, Theobroma cacao, Theobroma sativum, Theobromine, ThéobromineCountry of OriginPeruPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Raw Cacao Nibs may include: Contains high levels of antioxidants Used for centuries as a mood enhancer May be beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol levels May be helpful in increasing good cholesterol levels May reduce high blood pressure May help to dilate blood vessels May be effective in reducing the risk of stroke Contains high levels of magnesium May be effective in helping to reduce stress May be beneficial for reducing the risk of stroke May be helpful in promoting cardiovascular health Contains a wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals Traditionally used as a natural aphrodisiac May be beneficial in promoting healthy skin May be effective in improving blood circulation Studies have shown that it contains anti-inflammatory properties Contains antioxidants, which studies have are effective in fighting and lowering free radicals May be beneficial for improving digestionSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the BlogThe information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Cacao Nibs

Price: 13.97

Organic Beet Root Powder

Our Organic Beet Root Powder is a great supplement for overall health, but it deserves special attention for a rare phytonutrient that helps the liver to process fat. Proper liver function is a precursor to good cardiovascular health, and The American Heart Association has recommended the consumption of beets to support a healthy heart and blood pressure.The Cleansing Powder of Beet Root PowderOur Organic Beet Root Powder acts a cleansing agent, improving blood PH, flushing fatty deposits from the blood, and improving circulation. Beet root powder is a major catalyst for building a healthy blood supply and detoxifying the liver and the spleen. Researchers have shown that beet root powder can be an extremely beneficial supplement for menstruating women.A Source of Complete NutritionBeet roots are a rich source of many essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. Our Organic Beet Root Powder is a great source of magnesium, which is critical in allowing the body to properly absorb and digest calcium. Beet roots contain generous amounts of vitamins A, B, and C, including folate (vitamin B8), which assists the body in the production of insulin and is essential for pregnant women to prevent birth defects in their unborn children.Our Organic Beet Root Powder is a rare source of DMG (dimethylglycine), a substance that contributes to a strong cardiovascular system. The American Heart Association has suggested that consuming beets -- and what better way than in the highly concentrated for of our Organic Beet Root Powder -- can support a healthy heart and blood pressure. The Difference Between Beet Root Powder and Beet Juice PowderOur Organic Beet Root Powder is made by drying whole beet roots, and then grinding them into a fine powder. Our Organic Beet Root Juice Powder is made by first extracting the juice from the beets, and then drying the juice only into a fine powder. The advantage of the Organic Beet Root Powder is that it is a whole food, as it contains all of the fibrous material from the beet. The advantage of the Organic Beet Juice Powder is that it is highly concentrated, and thus more potent.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Beet Root Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameBeta VulgarisOther NamesBlood Turnip, Beetroot, Betarraga, Betterave, Mangel Wurzel, Remolacha, Garden Beet, White Beet, Sea Beet.Country of OriginChinaPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Beet Root Powder may include: May be beneficial for purifying the blood May help to improve blood circulation May be effective in encouraging good digestion Contains betaine, which studies have shown may play an important role in the health of the cardiovascular system Contains folic acid (B8, biotin), which may assist with the production of insulin Contains zinc, which may help protect against fatty deposits in the liver and may boost the immune system May have many beneficial diuretic effects May help to normalize the blood's pH balance Studies have shown that it may help to naturally detoxify the liver and spleen May help to regulate proper blood pressure levels Contains dimethylglycine (also known as DMG), which may promote healthy heart and cardiovascular systemSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons, 2-3 times per day. One teaspoon is the equivalent of one medium-sized beet. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption.This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the BlogRegroup from the Fourth of July with a delicious detox recipeThe information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Beet Root Powder

Price: 24.97

Organic Lucuma Powder

Product OverviewOur Raw Organic Lucuma Powder is a deliciously sweet addition to smoothies, shakes, puddings, ice creams, and more. The fruit of the lucuma tree has been revered since ancient times and lucuma is a favorite flavoring in Peru, Chile, and Ecuador. Our Raw Organic Lucuma Powder is a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals and it blends easily into a variety of foods.Product DescriptionWhat is Lucuma? Our Raw Organic Lucuma (loo-ku-ma) Powder comes from lucuma trees in South America, where the fruit is prized as an amazing source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. This exotic fruit has a flavor that is similar to cashews and maple: full-bodied and sweet, yet the fruit is naturally low in sugar content.Product Highlights Organic Raw 100% pure Non-GMO Gluten-free Vegan This Peruvian superfruit is extremely high in beta-carotene, iron, and niacin (B3). It was once called "The Gold of the Incas," and is highly regarded by the indigenous people of Peru for its healing and nutritive properties.Lucumu powder is relatively new to the northern hemisphere, but is finding popularity among raw dessert chefs. Our Raw Organic Lucuma Powder has flavors that are both rich and delicate, making it a wonderful compliment to ingredients like cacao or vanilla. It can also be enjoyed alone, as its distinguished taste will surely become a quick favorite.The History and Harvesting of "The Gold of the Incas" The exotic fruit of the lucuma tree has been a culinary prize in South America for thousands of years. In Peruvian culture, it is used as a versatile sweetener and it is the most popular flavor of ice cream.The pulp of the lucuma fruit resembles the orange-yellow flesh of a persimmon, and imparts a sweet fragrance and rich, unique taste. Our organic lucuma powder comes from fruits that fall to the ground naturally, and are allowed to further ripen to maturity until they are most flavorful. Mature fruits are peeled, pitted, and dehydrated at low temperatures to ensure that all of the fruit's health properties are preserved. The dried lucuma fruit is then gently ground into a fine powder and sifted to provide the finest quality.Our delicious Raw Organic Lucuma Powder blends easily with liquids and can be mixed into baked goods or sprinkled on cereal and granola.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Raw Organic Lucuma Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product:%%Panel.StorageInstructions%%Packaging%%Panel.Packaging%%Botanical NamePouteria LucumaOther NamesEgg Fruit, Lucmo, Lucumo, Yellow SapoteCountry of OriginPeruPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Raw Organic Lucuma Powder may include: An excellent source of fiber Rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals High in beta-carotene, niacin (B3), and iron May be effective in speeding the healing of cuts and bruises May be helpful in improving complexion A great source of calcium May help to support bone formation, digestion and hormone balance Studies have shown that it contains compounds that may possess anti-inflammatory properties May be beneficial in improving blood circulation and cholesterol levels May help to strengthen the immune system May be useful in reducing appetite and controlling weightSuggested UsageThe recommended serving size is 1 tablespoon. %%Panel.SuggestedUsage%%Recipes/VideoComing soon...Nutrition Facts %%Panel.GenericDisclaimer%%
Organic Lucuma Powder

Price: 15.97

понедељак, 27. фебруар 2017.

Organic Raw Cacao Powder

This is one of the most delicious cacao powders you'll ever taste! Our Organic Raw Cacao (pronounced ka-kow) Powder comes straight from Peru, where natives have enjoyed its nutritive properties for thousands of years. Cacao contains more antioxidants than any food known to man, and our cacao powder is minimally processed and dried at low temperatures to allow you to reap the maximum amount of health benefits of the pure cacao bean. Cacao Powder A Versatile Ingredient That Packs a Big Nutritional PunchIn order for cacao to deliver the beneficial flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, and healing properties that it is known for, it must be as close to its natural state as possible. Our Organic Raw Cacao Powder comes directly from whole cacao beans harvested in Peru, where farmers utilize a cold-press technique that gently extracts the oil from the cacao bean leaving a paste of pure chocolate liqueur. The liqueur is dried at low temperature into a powder, resulting in a minimally processed powder that is easily blended with water, non-dairy milks, or other ingredients. Our cacao powder gives a boost of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to shakes, smoothies, brownies, raw chocolate treats, and other foods.Powder, Paste, Butter, Nibs, Beans - What's the Difference?Cacao beans are the actual beans, extracted from the pod. They are in their whole, original, unprocessed form. Cacao nibs are cacao beans that have been broken into smaller pieces, making them easier to chew and enjoy. Cacao paste is made by taking the cacao beans, in their whole form, and grinding them into a liquid, commonly called cacao liquor. This liquid is then dried, resulting in cacao paste. Cacao butter is the fat, extracted from cacao bean. Finally, cacao powder is what remains of the cacao liquor after extracting the fat.Cacao The Food of the GodsCacao is simply raw chocolate, straight from the cacao bean. Its scientific name, Theobroma, literally means "Food of the Gods," and this superfood was thought by the Aztecs to be of divine origin. The cacao tree, which is cultivated in Mexico and South America, produces a food that is packed with so many healing and nutritive properties that the Mayans placed incredibly high value on the food and used the bean for currency. A favorite Mayan way to enjoy cacao was to make a traditional drink, called Chocolatl, which was a mixed with a little vanilla and other flavorings.It wasn't until the early 15th century that Christopher Columbus brought the health and restorative benefits of the cacao bean to Europe. In 1519, Cortez introduced cacao to the upper class in Spain and the bean rose in popularity as an aid for many illnesses. During the 18th century, chocolate houses began to pop up in London, and the spread of cacao as a revered food is history. Today, cacao is planted worldwide and people around the globe associate chocolate with "feeling good." The name cacao was thought to be Anglicized at some point and turned into the more common pronunciation of "cocoa." Now, the two words are often used interchangeably.Cacao The Ultimate SuperfoodPure, unprocessed cacao contains more antioxidant flavonoids than blueberries, black and green teas, and red wine. When close to its natural state, the cacao beans, nibs, powder, and butter harness a powerhouse of nutrients that have been said to help lower cardiovascular disease, and reduce stress.Chocolate has often been referred to as a "guilty pleasure," or a "junk" food. But these labels only apply to the many commercial varieties of chocolate that are sold on the market. Much of the chocolate manufactured today is mixed with varying degrees of sugar, milk, and other additives, and may in fact contain little "pure" chocolate at all.Our cacao butter comes to you in a raw form, retaining all of the benefits from the original cacao bean. Cacao is the best source of antioxidants on the planet, having the ability to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and risk of stroke. Consuming pure cacao promotes good cardio health, helps dilate blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, and reduces risk of heart attack.Studies show that cacao contains neurotransmitters, which increase levels of specific chemicals in our brain that promote positive outlook, facilitate overall rejuvenation, and help to elevate mood. Eating cacao causes a release of endorphins that give a pleasurable sensation that can reduce depression, heighten mental clarity, and provide a general feeling of well-being.Raw cacao is one of the best dietary sources of magnesium, which balances brain chemistry and helps build strong bones. It is also packed with calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, and sulfur, a mineral that promotes healthy skin and aids in liver detoxification.Harvesting Raw CacaoOur cacao is harvested much in the same manner as the Aztecs did thousands of years ago. Handpicked cacao pods are allowed to ripen for 5-6 months on trees in South America. After the pods are harvested, they are washed with purified water to cleanse, gently cut open, and the cacao beans are extracted. The beans are then naturally fermented for several days, during which a chemical change takes place reducing the bitterness of the bean and releasing a rich, delicate flavor that is evident in all our cacao products. The raw chocolate is cold-pressed and the cacao butter is separated. This carefully monitored process results in a variety of wonderful ingredients along the way, delivering the finest cacao nibs, powder, and butter available.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Raw Cacao Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods. Botanical NameTheobroma CacaoOther NamesBeurre de Cacao, Cacao, Chocolat, Chocolat Noir, Chocolate, Cocoa Bean, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Oleum, Cocoa Seed, Cocoa Semen, Cocoa Testae, Dark Chocolate, Dutch Chocolate, Fève de Cacao, Graine de Cacao, Theobroma, Theobroma cacao, Theobroma sativum, Theobromine, ThéobromineCountry of OriginPeruPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Raw Cacao Powder may include: Contains high levels of antioxidants Used for centuries as a mood enhancer May be beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol levels May be helpful in increasing good cholesterol levels May reduce high blood pressure May help to dilate blood vessels May be effective in reducing the risk of stroke Contains high levels of magnesium May be effective in helping to reduce stress May be beneficial for reducing the risk of stroke May be helpful in promoting cardiovascular health Contains a wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals Traditionally used as a natural aphrodisiac May be beneficial in promoting healthy skin May be effective in improving blood circulation Studies have shown that it contains anti-inflammatory properties Contains antioxidants, which studies have are effective in fighting and lowering free radicals May be beneficial for improving digestionSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons.As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the Blog The information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Raw Cacao Powder

Price: 13.97

Organic Maca Root Powder

Our Raw Organic Maca Root Powder may be the most powerful superfood in your health arsenal, delivering benefits like increased stamina and energy, an enhanced immune system, reduction of chronic fatigue, and complete endocrine system support. We source our Raw Organic Maca Root Powder from the mountainous plateaus of the Peruvian Andes, where natives have used the root medicinally and in food preparation for more than 500 years.What is Maca Root Powder?Our organic maca (ma-kuh) root powder is often called the perfect adaptogen (a natural substance that normalizes and regulates the systems of the body). This sweet and spicy nutrient packed root is one of the best natural stress relievers on the planet, allowing the body to adapt more easily to life's challenges. A more effective adaptogen than goji berries and ginseng, maca root powder may stabilize all of the body's systems, rather than focusing on one particular system. Our maca root powder may provide overall well-being for cardio, lymphatic, nervous, and endocrine systems. It gently energizes, yet does not overstimulate. Maca root powder, also called Peruvian ginseng, has been used for centuries to increase libido and is used to treat fertility and men and women. It can be taken daily in smoothies or added as an ingredient to a variety of foods.Energize Naturally and Maintain Optimal Wellness With Our Maca Root PowderOur Raw Organic Maca Root Powder is one of the best defenses against stress, naturally bringing the body back to a state of optimal performance. Scientists have identified four alkaloids in maca root powder, which nourish the endocrine system and stabilize the body's hormones.This nutrient dense superfood contains a powerhouse of vitamins, plant sterols, minerals, and heart-healthy fats that help to keep the body functioning at its prime. Our Raw Organic Maca Root Powder includes seven of the nine essential amino acids and is a favorite supplement of athletes who depend on sustained strength and endurance throughout the day.And if that wasn't enough, you'll find high levels of healthy carbohydrates, protein, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, B vitamins, and linoleic and oleic fatty acids in our Raw Organic Maca Root Powder.The History of the Peruvian Super RootSince the times before the Incas, natives of the Peruvian and Bolivian highlands have known the secrets of the sacred maca root. Warriors consumed maca root before battle to give themselves increased energy and stamina, and to sustain themselves on long journeys. Maca root has been used as a powerful treatment for low libido and infertility in the Andean culture for more than 500 years. The Spaniards valued the medicinal qualities of maca root so much that they used it as currency.Maca root powder is still a treasured food and medicinal staple in the harsh climate of the Andes, where it grows at elevations of 11,000 to 14,000 feet. This unassuming root is a member of the cruciferous family, resembling a radish with low-growing leaves that produce off-white flowers.But it is the root that packs the punch in our Raw Organic Maca Root Powder. Maca root is the highest altitude food crop in the world, and takes on its characteristics as a powerful adaptogen because of the extreme climates in which it grows. This makes maca root powder a wonderful supplement for those living a lifestyle where endurance and the ability to adapt to stress are necessary.How to Use Our Raw Organic Maca Root PowderToday, athletes, raw foodists, vegans and vegetarians, outdoor adventurers, and culinary professionals enjoy our maca root powder. It has a flavor that is both spicy and sweet, and is considered a delicacy when added to desserts like puddings and chocolate, or to teas. When roasted, maca root is sweeter than cacao and has hints of butterscotch. Our maca root powder comes from roots that are dried at low temperatures to preserve vital nutrients. The root is then gently ground into a powder for use in a variety of foods. Boil in water for use in pastries or spoon into smoothies and yogurt to turn any meal into a "supermeal."Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Raw Organic Maca Root Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameLepidium Meyenii, Lepidium Peruvianum ChaconOther NamesAyak Chichira, Ayuk Willku, Ginseng Andin, Ginseng Peruvien, Lepidium Peruvianum, Maca Maca, Maca Peruvien, Maino, Maka, Peruvian Ginseng, Peruvian MacaCountry of OriginPeruPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Raw Organic Maca Root Powder may include: May be effective in increasing energy, stamina, and endurance High in phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids May help to support and strengthen the immune system May be beneficial in promoting overall well-being May help to increase mental clarity May be helpful in reducing chronic fatigue May help to support adrenal function Studies have shown that it may be effective in regulating the endocrine system May be effective in balancing hormones Studies have shown that contains compounds that may have anti-aging effects Used for centuries to stimulate fertility in men and woman May be effective in increasing bone strength May be helpful in reducing inflammation May be beneficial for regulating blood sugar May help to increase oxygen in the blood May be effective for increasing libidoSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the BlogThe information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Maca Root Powder

Price: 13.97

Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder

Chlorella is one of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet, and our Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder is packed with 20 bioavailable nutrients that cleanse, energize, and heal the body. You will hard pressed to find a richer source of chlorophyll than our Organic Chlorella Powder. Just one teaspoon of the emerald green powder contains five times more chlorophyll than wheat grass, 12 times more than barley grass, and 10 times more than alfalfa.A Micro-Algae Brimming with LifeOur Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder comes from single-celled fresh water algae that are grown in a pristine environment, far away from human pollution. Each chlorella cell is a self-sustaining micro-organism brimming with life and unique health properties that are rarely seen in one food source.Chlorella contains an extremely high concentration of nutrients that promote good overall health. Our Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder is a natural source of 20 bio-available vitamins and minerals, including chlorophyll, protein, and beta-carotene, which acts as an antioxidant to fight free radicals that enter the body. Our Organic Chlorella Powder contains 19 amino acids that are vital for healthy tissue and cell regeneration.Vegans and vegetarians love our Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder because it is rich in B Vitamins, especially Vitamin B12, which is extremely rare in plant-based foods. Our Organic Chlorella Powder is also a great source of protein, with a composition of approximately 60% protein.The Cleansing Power of ChlorellaOne of the most incredible properties of our Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder is that it acts as a full-body detoxification agent, promoting cleansing of heavy metals and toxins from the liver, kidneys, blood, and digestive tract. Chlorella is known as an effective bowel cleanser and natural deodorant for fresh breath.Our Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder contains one of the highest levels of chlorophyll available in a natural food source. Chlorophyll has a chemical structure similar to the hemoglobin in our blood and it helps to carry oxygen throughout the blood stream and increase red blood cell count. Our Organic Chlorella Powder has five times more chlorophyll, or "green plant blood," than wheat grass, 12 times more than barley grass, and 10 times more than alfalfa.A True SuperfoodOur Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder is a broad-spectrum superfood, assisting in wound healing, digestion, and cell growth. Chlorella contains more fatty acids than Spirulina, which is critical for good heart function. Our Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder is packed with phytonutrients to assist in normal cell growth and repair. It also acts as food for "good" bacteria in the intestinal tract, which leads to easy and healthy digestion.Cracked-CellThe cell wall surrounding chlorella is indigestible, so it needs to be broken in order for you to get the benefits of its nutrients. Chlorella that has gone through a unique process that breaks open the plant's cell wall and unlocks chlorella's nutritional bounty is called cracked-cell or broken-cell. The cracked-cell chlorella provides optimal bioavailability, so you can absorb and digest chlorella's nutrients at high levels. In fact, an independent study showed the digestibility of broken cell wall chlorella to be an astounding 83%.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Chlorella Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameChlorella VulgarisOther NamesAlgue Verte d'Eau Douce, Bulgarian Chlorella, Bulgarian Green Algae, Chinese Chlorella, Chlorella Algae, Chlorella Pyrenoidosa, Chlorelle, Clorela, Freshwater Green Algae, Freshwater Seaweed, Green Alga, Green Algae, Japanese Chlorella, SeaweedCountry of OriginChinaPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder may include: Cracked-cell for maximum bioavilability May be effective in cleansing energizing, and healing the entire body Very high in chlorophyll Very high in antioxidants, which studies have shown may eliminate free radicals Contains 19 amino acids Very high in protein (nearly 60%) Contains high levels of vitamin B12 May help to clear up acne May be effective in cleansing the liver, kidneys, and blood May be useful for proper digestive health Studies have shown that it contains may properties that may promote detoxification May be beneficial for overall cardiovascular health May be useful for cell growth and regeneration Rich in chlorella growth factor (CGF) High in a wide range of vitamins and minerals May help to improve digestion and bowel movement Highly digestible May be helpful in balancing your body's pH May be beneficial for boosting the immune system May help to alleviate arthritisSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the BlogThe information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Raw Cracked-Cell Chlorella Powder

Price: 37.97

недеља, 26. фебруар 2017.

Eden Foods Selected Ume Plum Vinegar 10 oz Glass Bottles - Single Pack

Naturally fermented and lightly filtered Eden Foods Vinegar is the treasured by-product of the pickling of umeboshi plums - the liquid brine left over after pickling the plums. It is still made the ancient skillful way preserving the traditions necessary for its continued availability. This salty tangy vinegar is perfect for cooked vegetables salad dressings and dips and also great for making other pickled or preserved foods. Eden Foods Selected Ume Plum Vinegar 10 oz glass bottles are available in a convenient single pack.
Eden Foods Selected Ume Plum Vinegar 10 oz Glass Bottles - Single Pack

Price: 4.75

Organic Raw Amla Powder

Product OverviewThe Amla berry, also known as the Amalaki or Indian Gooseberry, is called "The Great Rejuvenator." This super fruit supports allover well-being, promoting balance and health in many of the body's systems. Our Organic Raw Amla Powder contains strong antioxidants that may prevent cell degeneration, and is a rich source of ellagic acid, which reduces oxidative stress and fights free radicals.Product DescriptionThe Amla berry, also known as the Amalaki or Indian Gooseberry, is often called "The Great Rejuvenator." This mighty berry, which is not actually related to the gooseberry, has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to flush toxins and is referred to as "Mother Nature" because of its many possible healing properties.Product Highlights Organic Raw Vegan Gluten-free Non-GMO High in vitamin C High in antioxidants 100% pure A Full Spectrum of Nutrients for All-Around Health The Amla berry acts as protector to the body for many age-related conditions. Its nutritional profile rivals some of the better-known super fruits like the Acai, Goji, and Goldenberries. Our Organic Raw Amla Power provides full-spectrum healing for many of the body's systems. A powerful source of antioxidants, phenols, and bioflavonoids, Amla is often used to treat digestive problems, promote cell rejuvenation, and increase energy.Our Amla Power is rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, and trace minerals, like Vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant. Amla is one of the best sources of phenolic compounds like ellagic acid, embicanin A and B, and gallic acid, a combination of phenols that may reduce oxidative stress in cells, killing free radicals that compromise the immune system. These phenols may also be phenomenal detoxifying agents, cleansing the liver, spleen, and lungs.Rich in Ellagic Acid One of the most beneficial components of our Organic Raw Alma Power is ellagic acid, a phytonutrient that is in a class of substances called tannins. Ellagic acid is a powerful antioxidant, showing possible anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic properties. Superoxide Dismutase Amla powder also contains essential enzymes, including Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase, and catalase. SOD is one of the most powerful defenses against chemically reactive molecules (free radicals) that damage cells. Free radicals invade the body through pesticides and herbicides, ozone contamination, nutritional deficiencies, injuries, UV gamma rays, and toxic metals. SOD acts as an antioxidant that helps the body to repair itself quickly. SOD has been known to slow the effects of aging and reduce inflammation in the body.A Strong Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory With just one serving a day of our Organic Raw Amla Powder, the body is on its way to full health and healing. Amla berries are a great source of bioflavonoids like Rutin and Quercetin, which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Our Organic Raw Amla Powder is a great way to increase energy, build muscle tone, and create strong bones, teeth, and nails. Some have even used our Organic Raw Amla Powder to heighten libido and improve eyesight.Our Organic Raw Amla Powder comes from sustainably harvested trees and is 100% natural. We bring to you a delicious and slightly tart super powder that is free from chemical additives and pesticides. Try our Organic Raw Amla Powder in smoothies, ice creams, shakes, and raw desserts, or mix with juice or milk products.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Raw Amla Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product:%%Panel.StorageInstructions%%Packaging%%Panel.Packaging%%Botanical NameEmblica OfficinalisOther NamesAamalaki, Amalaki, Amblabaum, Amla, Aonla, Aovla, Arbre de Malacca, Arbre Myrobolan, Dhatriphala, Emblic, Emblica, Emblica officinalis, Emblic Myrobalan, Groseille Indienne, Groseillier de Ceylan, Grosella de la India, Indian Gooseberry, Mirobalano, Myrobalan Emblic, Neli, Phyllanthus emblica, Yu Gan ZiCountry of OriginIndiaPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Raw Amla Powder may include: May be effective in increasing energy High in antioxidants, with high levels of tannins, polyphenols and vitamin C May be beneficial for treating digestive problems May help to promote a healthy immune system May be useful in promoting cell regeneration High in vitamin C, which may help to fight off colds and infections A good source of ellagic acid May be benefical for proper urinary system functioning May support the growth of hair and nails Contains high levels of antioxidants, which are known to be effective in fighting free radicals Studies have shown that it contains compounds that may have anti-inflammatory properties May help to increase blood flow and circulation May be helpful in strengthening and improving eyesight May help to improve mental clarity and memory May be beneficial in improvign muscle tone May be effective in supporting healthy cholesterol levels May help to support a healthy heart May help to flush toxins out of the system May assist in fortifying the liver, spleen, and lung May be beneficial for strengthening the bones & teeth Traditionally used a full body rejuvenatorSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. %%Panel.SuggestedUsage%%Recipes/VideoComing soon...Nutrition Facts %%Panel.GenericDisclaimer%%
Organic Raw Amla Powder

Price: 27.97

Knorr Pesto Sauce Mix 0.5 oz Pouches - Pack of 2

Let's make Knorr! Recreate the traditional taste of the holiday season all year round with Knorr. A perfect accompaniment to all kinds of dishes! Knorr Pesto Sauce Mix 0.5 oz pouches are available in a convenient pack of 2.
Knorr Pesto Sauce Mix 0.5 oz Pouches - Pack of 2

Price: 4.75

субота, 25. фебруар 2017.

Klean Electrolytes / 120 Capsules

Replenish critical minerals that are lost during and after exercise with Electrolytes from Klean Athlete Nutrition. Using Klean Electrolytes will help you avoid fatigue and muscle cramps by supplying the body with sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium; the electrolytes needed to sustain strenuous physical activities. Klean Athlete Nutrition products have undergone rigorous testing by NSF Certified for Sport program which was created to meet the growing demands of athletes, coaches and healthcare professionals to certify that the sports supplements are safe and free from banned substances. Every product that carries the NSF Certified for Sport mark has undergone stringent laboratory testing to confirm content, purity and compliance. Klean Electrolytes help to maintain a normal balance of fluids within the body which can help an athlete's performance during intense or prolonged exercise. Supplement your performance the healthy way with Klean Electrolytes for athletes. Product Information Sheet - Click Here Klean Electrolytes Key Features: NSF Certified for Sport Safe and free from banned substances Stringent laboratory testing has confirmed content, purity and compliance Replenishes critical minerals that are lost during and after exercise Helps athletes avoid performance-robbing fatigue and muscle cramps Helps maintain an athletes performance during intense or prolonged exercise Supplies the body with critical sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium to maintain normal fluid balance 120 vegetarian capsules per container Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one (1) to three (3) capsules prior to, during, and after intense or prolonged exercise.
Klean Electrolytes / 120 Capsules

Price: 21.99

Organic Raw Mangosteen Powder

Our antioxidant-rich Organic Raw Mangosteen Powder has a whopping 2,510 ORAC score, a rating almost unheard of in a fruit. Thanks to a class of naturally occurring polyphenols called xanthones, which are present in the dark purple rind of the berry, the mangosteen is one of the best superfoods to possibly fight free radicals and heal damaged cells.Sure, you know that collard greens and kale have ORAC scores that are practically off the chart. But did you know that the mangosteen, a tiny little berry with a dark purple rind and white, fleshy pulp rivals these leafy greens with a 2,510 ORAC rating? An Impressive Profile of XanthonesThe antioxidant levels in our Organic Raw Mangosteen Powder are through the roof, thanks to a class of naturally occurring polyphenols called xanthones (zan-thones), which are found in the mangosteen's pericarp, or skin. When partially ripe, the mangosteen yields polyhydroxy-xanthone derivatives known as mangostin and beta-mangostin, which are vital compounds in the fight against disease and compromised cells. The fully ripened mangosteen berry contains the xanthones gartanin, beta-disoxygartanin, and normangostin. These xanthones, which are more abundant in the mangosteen than in any other fruit, may have a positive effect on cardiovascular health and can heal cells that have been damaged by free radicals.The xanthones in our Organic Raw Mangosteen Powder can help slow signs of aging, combat degenerative diseases, and reduce mental and physical deterioration in the body. Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, the mangosteen is a great weapon an arsenal to fight inflammation, fatigue, and obesity. Research shows that the mangosteen can boost the immune system, elevate mood, reduce vertigo, promote healthy teeth and gums, and heal weakened joints.The "Queen of All Fruits"Many health practitioners are studying the unique compounds that are found in our mangosteens for their positive effects on arthritis, diabetes, bacterial and viral infections, asthma, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and sleep disorders.The mangosteen, which has no relationship to the mango, is called the "Queen of All Fruits" for good reason. For hundreds of years, Asian natives have revered the mangosteen for its ability to treat infection, relieve pain, reduce fevers, and boost the immune system. The mangosteen is still treasured in Thailand and Indonesia, where the pericarp is made into an ointment to help eczema and other skin disorders.This exotic tropical fruit is native to the South Pacific, and takes on a brilliant purple hue when fully ripe. The rind is where most of the beneficial nutrients are found, and the white pulp is often enjoyed as a delicious dessert in Southeast Asia.Our Organic Organic Raw Mangosteen Powder is harvested from the entire berry, ensuring that all of the medicinal properties as well as the sweet goodness are delivered to you in an amazing powder that tastes great with smoothies, juices, cereal, and yogurt.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Raw Mangosteen Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameGarcinia MangostanaOther NamesAmibiasine, Fruit des Rois, Jus de Xango, Mang Cut, Manggis, Manggistan, Mangosta, Mangostan, Mangostana, Mangostanier, Mangostao, Mangostier, Mangoustanier, Mangouste, Mangoustier, Manguita, Meseter, Queen of Fruits, Sementah, Semetah, Xango, Xango JuiceCountry of OriginThailandPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Raw Mangosteen Powder may include: May be helpful in healing damaged cells Very high in antioxidants (high ORAC rating) May be effective in improving cardiovascular health May help to slow signs of aging May be useful in combatting degenerative diseases May help to fight fungus and parasites May be effective in neutralizing free radicals May help to reduce mental and physical deterioration Rich in essential vitamins and minerals May help to stimulate red blood cell growth May be useful for increasing mental energy, focus, and attention span Studies have shown that it contains compounds that may have anti-inflammatory properties Helps to maintain proper intestinal health May be useful in increasing longevity May help to reduces fatigue May be an effective immune system booster Used traditionally to help fight obesity May help reduce allergy symptoms May be useful in elevating mood May help to promote healthy teeth and gum Suggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the Blog The information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Raw Mangosteen Powder

Price: 27.97

Organic Acerola Powder (Freeze-Dried)

Did you know that just one acerola cherry has 65 times the Vitamin C content of an orange? Our Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder may just be the best natural source of Vitamin C on the planet. Rich in antioxidants, our Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder is a very potent form of acerola nutrients like protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.It's a well-known fact that Vitamin C helps build a strong immune system and fights infection. But did you know that people who consume Vitamin C rich foods may also benefit from a healthy liver, improved skin quality, and lower stress?65 Times More Vitamin C Than an OrangeThe acerola cherry is one of the best sources of Vitamin C available in natural form. Just one cherry has 65 times the vitamin C content of an orange and meets the body's daily requirement for this essential nutrient. Studies have shown that an adequate to high intake of vitamin C may ward off colds and flues, rejuvenate the body's tissue and collagen, and prevent the mutation of cells. With just one serving a day of this potent powder, you will be on the road to optimal health!Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant in the body, protecting against free radicals that destroy healthy cells and cause abnormal production of diseased cells. Our Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Power contains a powerful composition of carotenoids and flavonoids that work to build a strong defense against internal and environmental stressors, which weaken the body's ability to remain in balanced and optimal health. The vitamin C found in our Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Power helps the body to produce anti-stress hormones that bring it back to a state of homeostasis. Researchers are finding that vitamin C has positive effects all of the body's systems, preventing hair loss, improving dental health, and healing wounds and burns.Nutrient-Rich and Full of Antioxidant PowerOur Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder is rich in many vitamins and minerals that work together to create allover well-being. Acerola cherries contain high amounts of vitamin A, which promotes good eye health and also neutralizes free radicals in the body. The large amounts of potassium found in our Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder may help to regulate blood pressure, balance mood, and maintain healthy heart function.Pregnant women know the importance of getting a proper supply of folate, a nutrient that aids in the development of the fetus and helps to prevent birth defects. Our Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Power is a great source of Folic Acid, which may assist in healthy cell growth and works to prevent heart disease.Fight Inflammation, Disease, and InfectionsMedical professionals at Michigan State University say the anthocyanins found in acerola cherries are beneficial for reducing pain in the head and body. Our Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder acts as an anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling throughout in the body's systems. Acerola cherries have also been effective in treating sore throats, fever, constipation, scurvy, and diarrhea.This bright red fruit, which looks very similar to a regular cherry, has been used in ancient medicine to relieve headaches, combat dysentery, fight infections, and alleviate liver problems. The Acerola cherry is native to the West Indies, where it is known as the Barbados cherry. It is also cultivated in Central and Latin America, and its juice is as common in Brazil as orange juice is in the U.S.Our Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder is derived from the entire cherry and freeze-dried in a vacuum in order to retain all of the fruits wonderful nutrients. We deliver to you a delicious powder that is 100% pure, with no artificial colors or additives. Our Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder makes a tasty addition to smoothies and raw desserts. Try a little sprinkled over oatmeal or yogurt for a super boost to start your day.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameMalpighia GlabraOther NamesBarbados Cherry, Antilles Cherry, Sour Cherry, West Indian Cherry, Puerto Rican CherryCountry of OriginBrazilPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Freeze-Dried Acerola Cherry Powder may include: Very high in vitamin C, which is generally believe to help protect against colds and flus May be effective in fighting infection May help to build the immune system May hep to rejuvenate body tissue May be effectinve in preventing cell mutation May help to fight chronic fatigue High in antioxidants, which may protect against free radicals Studies have shown that it may help to promote production of anti-stress hormones May be effective in preventing hair loss and overall dental health May help to protect your skin against premature aging May assist in healing of wounds and burns Traditionally know to promote good eye health May help to regulate blood pressure May be effective in normalizing cholesterol levels May be helpful in balancing mood May be beneficial for maintaining healthy heart function Studies have shown that it contains compounds that may contain anti-inflammatory properties May help to increases the absorption of ironSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the Blogblog posts coming soonThe information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Acerola Powder (Freeze-Dried)

Price: 39.97

Organic Raw Noni Powder

If there is one superfood that can offer a wide range of support for overall body health its noni powder. Noni has been called the "queen of health plants," and it provides support for a healthy immune system. Our Organic Raw Noni Powder contains a unique polysaccharide that facilitates normal cell tissue growth. Combine these health benefits with a rich supply of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals and you've got a super nutritional supplement.A Full-Spectrum HealerOur Organic Raw Noni Powder is the perfect supplement for full-spectrum healing and wellness. Rarely do you see a superfood with such a broad range of nutritional benefits, especially in a 100% natural, plant-based powder. Traditional Polynesian healers have known the benefits of the Noni fruit for more than 2000 years. Our Organic Raw Noni Powder brings to you what the West is just recently discovering; the medicinal powers of the "queen of health plants."A Rich Source of PolysaccharidesOur Organic Raw Noni Powder is a potent source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and polysaccharides, such as Noni-ppt, which has been found to support healthy cellular tissue growth and strengthen the immune system. Our Organic Raw Noni Powder contains the polysaccharide, 6-D-glucopyranose pentaacetate, which enhances the "destroying power" of white blood cells and makes them more effective in fighting bacteria and disease.Supporting the Immune SystemThe production of T cells is critical for immune system support, and our Organic Raw Noni Powder supercharges the body, creating an environment for healthy T cell growth. Noni also acts as an antiseptic, utilizing two vital substances, limonene and anthraquinones, to aid in boosting compromised immune systems.The Endless Benefits of NoniOur Organic Raw Noni Powder contains 17 of the 20 known amino acids, nine of which are considered essential. Athletes have found that consuming Noni Powder helps their muscles to recovery more easily after exercise.The healing powers of our Organic Raw Noni Powder are endless. Noni has been used effectively to soothe aching muscles, decrease chronic pain, and reduce the symptoms of arthritis. A chemical substance present in our Organic Raw Noni Powder, scopoletin, has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Xeronine, another critical compound in our Organic Raw Noni Powder, promotes cell rejuvenation and normal growth.The health benefits of our Organic Raw Noni Powder don't end there. Terpine, an important substance found in our Organic Raw Noni Powder, assists in full-body detoxification, and the mineral selenium promotes good skin health and elasticity.Modern-day medical professionals have praised Noni for its ability to support a healthy cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of stroke, and regulate blood pressure. Our Organic Raw Noni Powder can be a great partner in fighting depression, memory loss, and lack of mental acuity.The Powers of Noni Make Their Way to the WestThe Noni fruit comes from a tropical tree that is indigenous to Polynesia, in particular Islands of Tahiti and Hawaii. The Noni tree begins as a small flowering shrub and produces egg-shaped fruit that have a pungent odor. Ancient Polynesian travelers made sure to always save room for the mighty Noni fruit on their voyages. The fruit's buoyant seeds were often carried across ocean currants, thus the pollination of the powerful Noni in new lands.Our Organic Raw Noni Powder is made from the entire fruit, picked at the peak of its nutritional cycle. We process our Organic Raw Noni Powder at low temperatures, to ensure that the health benefits of the fruit remain fully in tact. Enjoy our versatile Organic Raw Noni Powder in your energy shake, granola, juice, and more!Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Raw Noni Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameMorinda CitrifoliaOther NamesIndian Mulberry, Hog Apple, Canary Wood, Morinda, Nunaakai (Tamil Nadu, India) , Dog Dumpling (Barbados), Mengkudu (Indonesia and Malaysia), Apatot (Philippines), Kumudu (Bali), Pace (Java), Beach Mulberry, Cheese FruitCountry of OriginIndiaPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Raw Noni Powder may include: May be effective in promoting a healthy immune system May help to facilitate normal cell tissue growth High in antioxidants May be beneficial for strengthening white blood cells Studies have shown that it may possess antiseptic qualities Contains 17 amino acids Contains all 9 essential amino acids May be helpful in strengthening the digestive system May help to lower cholesterol May be effective in reducig symptoms from allergies Used traditionally to soothe aching muscles Some studies have shown that it may be helpful in overcoming addictions and smoking May be effective in promoting a strong libido May help to decrease chronic pain May help to reduce the symptoms of arthritis Studies have shown that it contains compounds that may have anti-inflammatory properties Used traditionally as a natural detoxifier May help to increase overall feeling of well-being May help to promote good skin health May be beneficial in promoting a healthy cardiovascular system May be effective in increasing energy and vitality Contains a wide array of vitamins and minerals May help to reduce the risk of stroke May be helpful in regulating blood pressure Used for centuries by native healers to help fight depression and enhances mood May be effective in improving memory and mental acuitySuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the BlogThe information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Raw Noni Powder

Price: 27.97

Organic Raw Camu Camu Powder

Incorporating our Raw Organic Camu Camu Powder into your diet gives you a boost of Vitamin C equivalent to more than 30 oranges. Camu Camu powder is a great source of calcium, amino acids, and antioxidants, providing overall good health and well-being. Try our camu camu powder mixed into juices and smoothies for a powerful immunity boost.How Camu Camu Powder Packs a Nutritional PunchOur Raw Organic Camu Camu (ka-moo ka-moo) Powder comes to you from deep within the Amazon. It is one of the highest natural sources of Vitamin C on the planet and contains 30 times more vitamin C than oranges -- more than any other botanical source. Incorporating camu camu powder into your diet gives you an arsenal of immune boosting nutrients that help ward off the common cold, fight influenza, combat viral diseases, and decrease inflammation.Studies have shown camu camu powder to be a better alternative to synthetic Vitamin C because its food form is more easily digested and utilized by the body. This miracle fruit is 13% pure Vitamin C and offers strong support for healthy eyes, gums, and skin. Our Raw Organic Camu Camu Powder helps to energize the body and mind, and aids in elevating mood.Camu Camu powder has been used as a defense against depression and many individuals have effectively been weaned off clinical anti-depressants after taking camu camu powder. It has also shown to be a strong yet gentle treatment for those suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder. Nationally recognized researcher and nutritionist, Gary Null Ph.D., puts camu camu powder #2 on his list of the top 19 plants containing chemicals that have positive effects on balancing mood. Researchers say that camu camu powder is so effective because it increases serotonin levels in the brain.Our Raw Organic Camu Camu Powder is a powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients, like calcium, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, riboflavin, phosphorus, and thiamin. Our camu camu powder also contains phytochemicals that have strong anti-viral properties. In fact, many physicians have turned to camu camu powder as a treatment for the herpes virus. Our camu camu powder is a great source of amino acids like serine, valine, and leucine, and is used to promote healthy brain, eyes, heart, lungs, liver, and skin.Camu Camu Powder A Traditional Medicinal Herb Camu Camu powder has been used as a medicinal herb in the Amazon rain forest region for thousands of years. The camu camu bush produces a purple-red cherry like fruit that is handpicked and harvested, and then gently dried at low temperatures using methods that protect the vital nutrients of the fruit.We source our camu camu powder from the blackwater rivers of the Amazon, where the most prized fruit is found in the "conchas" or abandoned rivers in the jungles of Peru. After drying, the purple superfruit turns light beige, and is powdered and packaged in a way that maximizes the nutritional value of the fruit.Camu Camu Powder Compliments a Variety of Foods Today, health conscious people all over the world have access to the healing and nutritive properties of camu camu powder. Try our Raw Organic Camu Camu Powder mixed into smoothies, shakes, and juices or sprinkle on top of yogurt and granola.The tart taste of our camu camu powder makes a unique and flavorful addition to raw desserts, as it blends well with other sweeteners. Try making a traditional "punch" by mixing a teaspoon of our camu camu powder with water and a little palm sugar.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Raw Organic Camu Camu Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameMyrciaria DubiaOther NamesAraca d'agua, Araza de Agua, Cacari, Camo Camo, Camocamo, Camu-camu Negro, Guapuro Blanco, RumberryCountry of OriginPeruPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Raw Organic Camu Camu Powder may include: An extremely potent source of all-natural Vitamin C Rich in minerals like potassium and phosphorous Studies have shown that it contains many compounds that may contain mood-enhancing properties May be effective in improving overall vitality and well-being May help to strengthen the immune function of a body. Studies have shown that it may contain anti-inflammatory properties Contains powerful nutrients that may be helpful for fending off viral infection May be beneficial for improving respiratory health May be helpful in maintaining memory and mental clarity May be useful in maintaining good vision May help to improve overall skin health May help to reduce the impact of stress Used for centuries as an herbal remedy for heart problems May be useful in maintaining healthy arteries and blood circulation May be effective in reducing bad cholesterol levels Studies have shown that it may be useful in lowering high blood pressure Contains many antioxidants that may eliminate free radicals from the body May be beneficial for detoxifying the liverSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1 teaspoon. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the BlogThe information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Raw Camu Camu Powder

Price: 54.97

Smucker's Goober Grape Peanut Butter and Jelly Spread 18 oz Jars - Single Pack

For more than 100 years Smucker's has been making life more fruitful by bringing you delicious fruit spreads and smiles. Perfect complement for toasts biscuits bagels pancakes and waffles. Smucker's Goober Grape Peanut Butter and Jelly Spread 18 oz jars are available in a convenient single pack.
Smucker's Goober Grape Peanut Butter and Jelly Spread 18 oz Jars - Single Pack

Price: 4.75

петак, 24. фебруар 2017.

Organic Red Maca Root Powder

Product OverviewOur Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder packs a powerful punch as a natural adaptogen, delivering sustained energy and relief from life's stressors. In addition, our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder may contain an arsenal of phytochemicals for fighting free radicals and detoxifying the body. You'll love the delicately sweet and unique taste of our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder.Product DescriptionWhat is Red Maca Root Powder? Our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder has all the benefits of yellow and white maca root powder, including fierce adaptogens that may help to combat stress and a lineup of vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids that ensure the best nutritional start to your day. Red maca root powder is grown in the same region, and under the same conditions as other varieties of maca root, but comes from roots that are a beautiful, intense shade of red. Red maca root powder is growing in popularity because of its ability to provide additional health benefits like possible anti-tumor support and healthy prostate antioxidants than yellow or white maca powder, and has a higher amount of certain beneficial compounds like alkaloids, tannins, saponins, and steroids. Red maca root powder is also said to increase bone density. You'll love the sweet taste of our red maca root powder, which has flavors that hint of caramel.Product Highlights Organic Raw Vegan Gluten-free Non-GMO Used as an energy booster 100% pure Energize Naturally and Maintain Optimal Wellness Our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder is one of the best defenses against stress, naturally bringing the body back to a state of optimal performance. Scientists have identified four alkaloids in maca root powder, which nourish the endocrine system and stabilize the body's hormones. In fact, maca root powder is used as a hormone replacement therapy for women and to treat menopausal symptoms.This nutrient dense superfood contains a powerhouse of vitamins, plant sterols, minerals, and heart-healthy fats that help to keep the body functioning at its prime. Our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder includes seven of the nine essential amino acids and is a favorite supplement of athletes who depend on sustained strength and endurance throughout the day.And if that wasn't enough, you'll find high levels of healthy carbohydrates, protein, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, B vitamins, and linoleic and oleic fatty acids in our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder.The History of the Peruvian Super Root Since the times before the Incas, natives of the Peruvian and Bolivian highlands have known the secrets of the sacred maca root. Warriors consumed maca root before battle to give themselves increased energy and stamina, and to sustain themselves on long journeys. Maca root has been used as a powerful treatment for low libido and infertility in the Andean culture for more than 500 years. The Spaniards valued the medicinal qualities of maca root so much that they used it as currency.Maca root is still a treasured food and medicinal staple in the harsh climate of the Andes, where it grows at elevations of 11,000 to 14,000 feet. This unassuming root is a member of the cruciferous family, resembling a radish with low-growing leaves that produce off-white flowers.But it is the root that packs the punch in our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder. Maca root is the highest altitude food crop in the world, and takes on its characteristics as a powerful adaptogen because of the extreme climates in which it grows. This makes red maca root powder a wonderful supplement for those living a lifestyle where endurance and the ability to adapt to stress are necessary.How to Use Our Organic Maca Root Powder Today, athletes, raw foodists, vegans and vegetarians, outdoor adventurers, and culinary professionals enjoy our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder. It has a flavor that is both spicy and sweet, and is considered a delicacy when added to desserts like puddings and chocolate. When roasted, maca root is sweeter than cacao and has hints of butterscotch. Our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder comes from roots that are dried at low temperatures to preserve vital nutrients. The root is then gently ground into a powder for use in a variety of foods. Enjoy this ancient superfood anytime for burst of extra energy!Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product:%%Panel.StorageInstructions%%Packaging%%Panel.Packaging%%Botanical NameLepidium MeyeniiOther NamesAyak Chichira, Ayuk Willku, Ginseng Andin, Ginseng Peruvien, Lepidium Peruvianum, Maca Maca, Maca Peruvien, Maino, Maka, Peruvian Ginseng, Peruvian MacaCountry of OriginPeruPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Raw Red Maca Root Powder may include: May help to increase energy, stamina, and endurance May be helpful in stimulating fertility in men and woman May be beneficial for supporting the immune system May be effective in speeding up wound healing May help to support the adrenal function May help to alleviate chronic exhaustion syndrome Studies have shown that it may help to increase libido May be an effective treatment for impotence May help to reduce chronic fatigue May be useful in regulating the endocrine system Studies have shown that it may contains anti-aging properties May be effective in balancing hormones May help to increase brain function May be highly beneficial for the circulatory system May help to increase bone strength Contains compounds that may have anti-inflammatory properties May be useful in combatting depression High in protein for muscle building and repair May be effective in regulating blood sugar May help to promote overall well-being May help to reduce anxiety and stress May help to increase mental clarity and memory May be useful in increasing oxygen in the blood High in phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acidsSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. %%Panel.SuggestedUsage%%Recipes/VideoComing soon...Nutrition Facts %%Panel.GenericDisclaimer%%
Organic Red Maca Root Powder

Price: 28.97

Bonk Breaker Real Hydration Mix / 40 Servings

Add a burst of flavor and fortify your water with Bonk Breaker's Real Hydration Mix 40 Servings. Formulated with only natural ingredients and real fruit, Bonk Breaker's Hydration Mix packs a balance of fruity flavors, body-replenishing electrolytes and a clean finishing taste. Offered in two great flavors; fan favorite, Lemon-Lime or antioxidant rich, Wolfberry with Pomegranate aka superfood goji berry. A ten-gram serving of Real Hydration mix contains 35 calories and provides 350mg of electrolytes with only eight grams of organic cane sugar. Super charge your water with Real Hydration Mix from Bonk Breaker. Hydration Mix Features: Made with real fruit All-natural "organic" ingredients Non-GMO CCOF Organic Certified Vegan Dairy Free Refreshing and clean with no aftertaste Helps maintain optimal hydration levels 40 servings per bag Flavors: Wolfberry (WBY) and Lemon Lime (LML) Usage: Add one scoop to approximately 8 fl oz. (250ml) of water. Note: Because this mix contains real fruit, there may be small particles that don't dissolve completely. WOLFBERRY INGREDIENTS: Organic Evaporated Cane Juice Crystals, Organic Glucose, Sodium Citrate, Calcium Citrate, Natural Flavors (Pomeberry, Mixed Berry), Potassium Citrate, Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Organic Wolf Berries (Goji), Pomegranate, Ascorbic Acid, Organic Blueberry. LEMON-LIME INGREDIENTS: Organic Evaporated Cane Juice Crystals, organic Glucose, Sodium Citrate, Calcium Citrate, Potassium Citrate, Citric Acid, Natural Lemonade Flavor, Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Ascorbic Acid, Limes. Shipping weight: 1.0 lbs.
Bonk Breaker Real Hydration Mix / 40 Servings

Price: 19.99

Hammer Nutrition Premium Insurance Caps / 120 Capsules

Hammer Premium Insurance Caps 120 caps replenish the basic nutrients such as vitamins and minerals is crucial for optimizing athletic performance and supporting optimal health, and PREMIUM INSURANCE CAPS is your first step towards achieving both. Athletes and active people deplete nutrients at substantially higher levels than sedentary people do, which makes regular use of PREMIUM INSURANCE CAPS a wise strategy. Calibrated to the Optimal Daily Intake (ODI), a standard more appropriate for hard-training athletes than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), PREMIUM INSURANCE CAPS ensures that you obtain ideal amounts, in highly assimilated forms, of all the important vitamins and minerals. In addition, you receive a full complement of "super foods" and amino acids for even greater benefits. This ultra-complete formula now comes all-vegetable capsules. Features: Vitamin B12 - Changed to the better assimilated methylcobalamin form Zinc - Changed to the better assimilated amino acid chelate form Boron - Changed to the better assimilated amino acid chelate form Digestive Enzyme formula - All animal-based enzymes have been removed. For superior assimilation 5 mg Bioperine and 24 mg Enzyme Enhancement System has been added All vegetable capsules Benefits: Superior immune system and overall health support from optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, digestive enzymes, and key "super foods" Antioxidant support to aid in rapid and complete recovery between workouts Increased muscle rebuilding and immune system support from amino acids Additional digestive system function support Shipping weight: 0.75 lbs.
Hammer Nutrition Premium Insurance Caps / 120 Capsules

Price: 19.95

четвртак, 23. фебруар 2017.

Knorr Alfredo Sauce Mix 1.6 oz Pouches - Pack of 2

Let's make Knorr! Recreate the traditional taste of the holiday season all year round with Knorr. A perfect accompaniment to all kinds of dishes! Knorr Alfredo Sauce Mix 1.6 oz pouches are available in a convenient pack of 2.
Knorr Alfredo Sauce Mix 1.6 oz Pouches - Pack of 2

Price: 4.75

Organic Acai Berry Powder (Freeze-Dried)

Our Organic Freeze-Dried Acai Berry Powder comes straight from Acai Berries (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) harvested in the flood plains of South America. This nutritional powerhouse is one of the most antioxidant-rich foods in the world and has been used medicinally for thousands of years by native tribes in the Amazon rain forest. It is a great source of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber, and phytosterols, which support cardiovascular health. Our Organic Freeze-Dried Acai Berry Powder is gently harvested from renewable sources, and is organic, raw, and gluten-free.Acai Berry The Amazon's Purple PrizeThe acai berry is no bigger than a grape or blueberry, yet it packs more than 10 times the antioxidants of red grapes and 10-30 times the anthoxanthins of red wine. For thousands of years, native tribes of the Amazon rain forest have known the healing properties of the acai berry, and now these secrets are available to the rest of the world.The Amazing Health Benefits of Acai Berry Powder Nature's Perfect FoodOur Organic Freeze-Dried Acai Berry Powder comes directly from the flood plains in South America's rain forests, from fruit that is carefully dried at low temperatures. The Acai Berry is one of the world's most nutritional foods, containing a dynamic concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging. Our brilliant purple Organic Freeze-Dried Acai Berry Powder is an almost perfect complex of amino acids, which help with muscle contraction and regeneration.The Acai Berry's blend of monounsaturated fats, dietary fiber, and protein makes it a true Superfood. Its natural antioxidant properties promote general well being, boost stamina, and increase mental alertness. Mixing our Acai Berry Powder into your morning yogurt or smoothie is a great way to combat the negative effects of cholesterol and to support good skin health.Sharing the Acai Berry's Healing Powers with The WorldIn the last few years, Westerners have reaped the benefits of innovation in the picking, processing, and manufacturing of the acai berry. This flavorful fruit must be processed within 24 hours of harvesting, and our acai berries are picked and then immediately dried using a process that involves very low levels of heat, insuring that the powder retains all the nutritional benefits of the raw fruit.Because our Organic Freeze-Dried Acai Berry Powder is 100% pure and processed at such low temperatures, it has a robust and authentic flavor. It is grown and harvested responsibly, contributing positively to its environment. Try our Acai Berry Powder in your shakes or sprinkled on top of granola. You will love its pleasant taste and the energy that it brings to your day.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Freeze-Dried Acai Berry Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product: Avoid exposure to heat. The powder will remain fresh if stored at room temperature or below. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Squeeze all of the air out of the bag before sealing. Seal the bag tightly after each use. Store the powder in a dry place, and avoid all contact with moisture.PackagingWe package all of our superfood powders in all-natural brown kraft bags, each with a resealable zipper across the top. Each bag has a thin metal lining, which serves as a very effective barrier to light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.While printed plastic bags with clear windows may look beautiful, studies have shown that the toxins contained in the plastic are absorbed by food that is in direct contact with the plastic. Foods that are raw and all-natural, like superfood powders, are even more susceptible to this type of contamination than processed foods.Botanical NameEuterpe OleraceaOther NamesAcai Berry, Açai d'Amazonie, Acai Extract, Acai Fruit, Acai Palm, Amazon Acai, Amazon Acai Berry, Assai, Assai Palm, Baie d'Acai, Baie de Palmier Pinot, Cabbage Palm, Chou Palmiste, Extrait d'Acai, Fruit d'Acai, Palmier d'AcaiCountry of OriginBrazilPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Freeze-Dried Acai Berry Powder may include: May be effective in promoting a strong immune system Extremely high in antioxidants May be beneficial for supporting positive cholesterol levels May help to increase energy, mental alertness, and general well-being May be useful in promoting cell regeneration and healthy tissue growth May be effective for a healthy digestive system May help to protect your skin and organs against premature aging May be helpful for cell regeneration and healthy tissue growth by neutralizing free radicals that can lead to cancerSuggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. As with all superfood powders, listen to your body, as you may find that either a smaller or higher intake is more suitable to your body. We recommend that you start with the recommended daily amount, and, if desired, gradually increase or decrease your daily consumption. This powder blends well with juice, rice or soy milk, and yogurt, or can be added to your favorite smoothie. It can also be mixed into your homemade energy bars. While you can add this powder to a variety of recipes, raw food enthusiasts avoid cooking or heating in order to preserve the food's nutritional value.From the BlogThe information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other medical experts. Statements on this web site are not intended to be a replacement for medical advice from your personal physician. Please read our Site Disclaimer for additional information.
Organic Acai Berry Powder (Freeze-Dried)

Price: 49.97