среда, 22. фебруар 2017.

Wilderness Poets Raw Organic Pistachio Butter

Product DescriptionWilderness Poets Raw Pistachio Butter is a delicious, creamy, naturally glowing green nut butter, made from the freshest California grown, organic, raw Pistachios. Ground at a cool temperature to retain the living enzymes and vital nutrients, and made in small hand crafted batches.Product Highlights 100% raw 100% vegan Organic ingredients No added sugar Non-GMO Gluten-free No trans fats No cholesterol Peanut-free Soy-free Pistachio nuts are one of the healthiest, nutrient dense nuts to eat. They are rich in cholesterol fighting phytosterols, antioxidants, unsaturated fat, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals, and loaded with fiber. They work to lubricate the intestines and keep the liver and kidneys healthy. The first historical mention of any edible nut refers to Pistachios. Their archaeological findings date back to 6760 BCE in the territory of present Jordan.Wilderness Poets uses a touch of organic, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil to bring out the smooth creamy texture and rich Mediterranean flavor of the nuts. The olive oil is freshly pressed from the fruit, completely raw.All Natural IngredientsRaw Organic Pistachios, Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Himalayan Crystal SaltPossible BenefitsComing soon...Suggested UseComing soon...Recipes/VideoComing soon...Nutrition Facts %%Panel.GenericDisclaimer%%
Wilderness Poets Raw Organic Pistachio Butter

Price: 15.97

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