уторак, 21. фебруар 2017.

Hammer Nutrition Energy Surge / 30 Tablets

Pure energy on-demand! Energy Surge from Hammer Nutrition is a power-booster and energy restorer. Energy Surge tablets are easily dissolved under the tongue for direct absorption into the bloodstream, avoiding the stomach. It's the ideal supplement for use prior to and during training, racing and tough workout sessions. It maintains overall energy production, restores energy after hard efforts, and provides readily available energy when you need it. Whether it's high-intensity or explosive-type exercise, Hammer Nutrition Energy Surge helps put away the competition. Energy Surge Features: Power-booster for intervals, hills, finishes Maintains overall energy production Restores energy after hard effort Gluten-free and vegan certified with no simple sugars 30 tablets per bottle Made in the USA How to use: Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue as needed during exercise. Shipping weight: 0.2 lbs.
Hammer Nutrition Energy Surge / 30 Tablets

Price: 19.95

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