петак, 24. фебруар 2017.

Hammer Nutrition Premium Insurance Caps / 120 Capsules

Hammer Premium Insurance Caps 120 caps replenish the basic nutrients such as vitamins and minerals is crucial for optimizing athletic performance and supporting optimal health, and PREMIUM INSURANCE CAPS is your first step towards achieving both. Athletes and active people deplete nutrients at substantially higher levels than sedentary people do, which makes regular use of PREMIUM INSURANCE CAPS a wise strategy. Calibrated to the Optimal Daily Intake (ODI), a standard more appropriate for hard-training athletes than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), PREMIUM INSURANCE CAPS ensures that you obtain ideal amounts, in highly assimilated forms, of all the important vitamins and minerals. In addition, you receive a full complement of "super foods" and amino acids for even greater benefits. This ultra-complete formula now comes all-vegetable capsules. Features: Vitamin B12 - Changed to the better assimilated methylcobalamin form Zinc - Changed to the better assimilated amino acid chelate form Boron - Changed to the better assimilated amino acid chelate form Digestive Enzyme formula - All animal-based enzymes have been removed. For superior assimilation 5 mg Bioperine and 24 mg Enzyme Enhancement System has been added All vegetable capsules Benefits: Superior immune system and overall health support from optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, digestive enzymes, and key "super foods" Antioxidant support to aid in rapid and complete recovery between workouts Increased muscle rebuilding and immune system support from amino acids Additional digestive system function support Shipping weight: 0.75 lbs.
Hammer Nutrition Premium Insurance Caps / 120 Capsules

Price: 19.95

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