петак, 3. фебруар 2017.

Hammer Nutrition Recoverite / Single Serving

Hammer Nutrition Recoverite - How well you perform tomorrow depends on how well you recover today, which is why you can?t cut corners when it comes to your recovery drink. Hammer Nutrition Recoverite supplies your body with the proper 3:1 ratio of complex carbohydrates and the highest quality whey protein isolate, along with generous amounts of multi-beneficial glutamine (3 grams per serving), the potent antioxidant l-carnosine, and a full-spectrum electrolyte profile. The result is rapid and enhanced recovery, which allows you to obtain the maximum value from all your hard workouts, ideally prepping your body for your next workout or race. Make sure you?re recovering right with Recoverite and it makes a superb meal replacement drink as well. Train harder; recover right today and feel great tomorrow. Recoverite Features: Gluten-free Minimize post-exercise muscle soreness Rebuild muscle tissue Restore muscle glycogen Flavors: Orange-Vanilla (ORG), Strawberry (STR), Chocolate (CHO), Vanilla (VAN), and Citrus (CIT) Extra Benefits: The amino acid glutamine, also contained in Hammer Whey, plays a vital role in the health of the muscles, immune system, and digestive tract. Glutamine is arguably the key "recovery amino acid" as it (A) helps boost the immune system (B) helps to reduce the symptoms of overtraining syndrome (C) plays a role in enhancing glycogen synthesis (D) stimulates muscle protein synthesis for the rebuilding of lean muscle tissue.Athletic performance improvement depends on a program of exercise to stimulate muscular and cardiovascular adaptation followed by a recovery period in which the body rebuilds itself slightly more fit than before. Thus, the real gain of exercise occurs during recovery, but only in the presence of adequate rest and optimal nutritional support. Carbohydrate and protein replenishment, as soon as possible upon completion of the workout, helps you to get the very most out of every minute you've put into training. That's where RECOVERITE comes in, providing unsurpassed nutritional support to ensure you obtain the maximum value from your workouts and complete recovery after each training session and race. This is the one recovery drink you should have.Hammer Nutrition Recoverite supplies carbohydrates and protein in an ideal 3:1 ratio for superior glycogen synthesis and muscle tissue rebuilding, the two main components of recovery. For carbohydrate, Hammer Nutrition Recoverite contains only maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate with a high glycemic index, to ensure rapid metabolism. Unlike most recovery products that contain simple sugars, maltodextrin provides a large volume of easily digested and rapidly assimilated carbohydrate, vital for preventing stomach distress and promoting full, efficient restoration of muscle glycogen. Regarding protein, Hammer Nutrition Recoverite contains only whey protein isolate, which is virtually fat and lactose free, and yields the highest percentage of protein. For rebuilding lean muscle tissue and immune system support, whey protein isolate has no peer; it's simply the purest form of whey protein available. In addition, each serving of Hammer Nutrition Recoverite also contains a potent, recovery-boosting three grams of l-glutamine. Hammer Nutrition Recoverite supplies other recovery-enhancing nutrients such as Chromemate brand chromium polynicotinate (for maximizing muscle glycogen synthesis) and l-carnosine, a powerful antioxidant and potential anti-aging nutrient. Hammer Nutrition Recoverite also contains a full-spectrum electrolyte profile, which helps replenish depleted essential minerals. What Hammer Nutrition Recoverite does not contain are inconsequential amounts of vitamins and minerals, commonly found in other formulas. They look good on a label, but have little physiological value. Vitamins and minerals are indeed important in recovery, but in amounts best fulfilled from Hammer Nutrition Premium Insurance Caps, a potent, complete vitamin/mineral supplement. Hammer Nutrition Recoverite is also completely free of any artificial flavorings and colorings, added sweeteners, or anything else not directly related to the recovery process. How well you recover today will largely determine your performance tomorrow. When you put as much effort into the recovery process as you do for active training, you're way ahead of the game and you will no doubt enjoy improved performance. Along with adequate rest, it's vitally important to refuel your body as soon as possible after every training session and race. Using Hammer Nutrition Recoverite, you can be assured that you're giving your body exactly what it needs. RECOVERITE is the right recovery drink with the right formula to provide your body with the right amounts of the right nutrients, ensuring rapid and complete recovery from all your workouts and races. Application: Use immediately following workouts and races to optimize recovery - glycogen replacement, electrolyte replacement and muscle tissue repair. Hammer Nutrition Recoverite can also be used as a Meal Replacement Product (MRP). Mixing / Usage Instructions: Combine one serving (2 scoops) in 8-12 ounces/approx 235-355 ml (or more, if desired) of cold water and consume immediately after completion of your workout or event. This supplies 30 grams of complex carbohydrates, 10 grams of whey protein isolate, plus 3 grams of glutamine. Consume a second serving one hour later if you will not be sitting down to a full meal at that time. If you train two or three times per day, this would be done following each workout.To use as a Meal Replacement Product (MRP), simply consume 1-3 servings (2-6 scoops) in place of a meal. Notes: Hammer Nutrition Recoverite and whole foods serve to refuel and refresh the body during the critical 2-hour ?window of opportunity? after exercise. Thus, a reasonable amount of your post-exercise calories can and should be consumed from whole foods. That's why it's ideal to sit down to a healthy meal containing both carbohydrates and protein no more than two hours after the conclusion of your exercise. If this is not possible, additional servings of Recoverite can and should be taken at a rate of one to two servings per hour until you are able to eat a complete meal.If you are using Hammer Nutrition Recoverite as a MRP, you should not replace more than one or two meals per day. Now available in Strawberry and Citrus flavors!! Shipping weight: 0.25 lbs.
Hammer Nutrition Recoverite / Single Serving

Price: 3.50

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