среда, 22. фебруар 2017.

Organic Mesquite Powder

Product OverviewOur Organic Raw Mesquite Powder comes from the mesquite trees of Peru, where it is picked and dried at low temperatures to preserve vital nutrients. Mesquite powder is a great source of vitamins and minerals like calcium, fiber, protein, and amino acids. Our Organic Raw Mesquite Powder satisfies hunger and helps to stabilize blood sugar.Product DescriptionThe Nutritional Benefits of Organic Raw Mesquite Powder Our Organic Raw Mesquite (pronounced mess-keet) Powder is a nutritional powerhouse. It is a great source of essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, and the amino acid lysine. It is also rich in calcium and magnesium, which made it a great supplement for good bone health.Product Highlights Organic Raw Vegan Gluten-free Non-GMO High in fiber Low-glycemic 100% pure Mesquite powder helps to satisfy hunger and stabilize blood sugar, making it a wonderful aid to diabetics or those who want to control weight. The sugars in our Organic Raw Mesquite Powder take the form of fructose, which does not require insulin for metabolism. The soluble fiber and galactomannin gum in our Organic Raw Mesquite Powder slows the absorption of vital nutrients, allowing for blood sugar stability throughout the day. Mesquite powder has a glycemic index of 25 and is comprised of 25% dietary fiber.About Our Organic Raw Mesquite Powder Our Organic Raw Mesquite Powder is sourced from mesquite pods and seeds that were picked and dried at low temperatures to preserve the health benefits of this unique superfood. The mesquite tree is native to dry, arid regions like Argentina, Peru, and the Southwest United States. The mesquite tree yields edible beans that have been used by Native Americans for centuries as a primary source of nutrition. Indigenous people to the harsh climates of North and South America enjoyed mesquite as a sweetener, dessert beverage, and a fermented alcohol drink. Mesquite was so revered in early Native American tribes that it was used as a source of currency to barter with other tribes. Today, many people wonder if the increase in cases of diabetes in Native American tribes is due to the decrease of mesquite in their diet.Our Organic Raw Mesquite Powder comes from pods and seeds that are dried at low temperatures and then ground into a fine powder that blends easily with liquids, smoothies, or energy bars. Mesquite has a mild, sweet flavor, with hints of molasses, caramel, and chocolate, and is a great compliment to cacao, vanilla, and maca. Mesquite powder makes a wonderful ingredient in drinks, raw desserts, energy bars, and baked goods. Mesquite powder adds thickness and sweetness to many foods and can also be used as a flavoring in coffee or tea.Storage InstructionsIf cared for properly, our Organic Raw Mesquite Powder has a shelf life of two to three years. To preserve the freshness of this product:%%Panel.StorageInstructions%%Packaging%%Panel.Packaging%%Botanical NameProsopis AlbaOther NamesSouth American MesquiteCountry of OriginPeruPossible BenefitsWhile much research is still being conducted, some of the possible health benefits of our Organic Raw Mesquite Powder may include: May be effective in stabilizing blood sugar levels Low glycemic index Many consumers find that it satisfies hunger for a long period of time Contains high levels of dietary fiber Contains bio-available protein Contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals Studies have shown that it may enhance bone strength May be beneficial in increasing energy and endurance May help to maintain a healthy insulin system May be beneficial to the nervous system May be helpful in supporting a healthy immune system May help to cleanse the digestive system May be effective in promoting cardiovascular health Low in fat Studies have shown that it contains compounds that may have anti-fungal properties May be useful in alleviating headaches and migraines Suggested UsageThe recommended daily usage is 1-2 teaspoons. %%Panel.SuggestedUsage%%Recipes/VideoComing soon...Nutrition Facts %%Panel.GenericDisclaimer%%
Organic Mesquite Powder

Price: 12.97

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